
My name is Ignacio Flores (Candidate number: 9049) and I am working in Group 2 with Mario Louka, (Candidate Number 9099) and Eddie Rowe (Candidate Number 9147). To access my work, please click on the three labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

Group 2 Music Video




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Sunday, 29 March 2015

Construction 8: My personal contributions to the Edit Sessions

When editing I did a wide range of things. Since Eddie wasn't at school for most of the second week of editing, Alistair and I had to do a lot more work than before.

My personal contributions to the edit sessions consisted of:

  • Cutting the shots into the sequence- this involved carefully deciding when to start and end a shot, which at wasn't that hard since we had our animatic to work off of at the start. Minor changes were made and some shots that we hadn't originally planned were also added.
  • I also worked with the titles - As other members had already chosen the titles and fonts, I took it upon myself to make sure that all of the titles were properly aligned with each other, this involved going through each shot which had titles and making sure they were the same distance away from the edge of the video.
  • Sound was also something I worked on - I matched the gunshot sounds to the gunshot shots to the exact frame. I also worked with the sound levels of the music; at one point the music was too loud at points so that it drowned out the actor's voice, so I made the music quieter for that shot.
  • The thing that took up most of my time was grading - Although we only really started doing this during the last week, it was very intensive. I had to first learn to use Procamp to grade the shots, but once I learned how to use this it became a fairly repetitive task. Most of the shots were graded using the same values, so that they had a similar look.

Overall, I think that editing was very much a learning process, and through experimentation as well as with help from the others in my group I was able to make our opening sequence look very nice. Of course, if we had more time, we could have perfected the grading more, but altogether I am very happy with what we achieved and the skills I learned while editing.

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