
My name is Ignacio Flores (Candidate number: 9049) and I am working in Group 2 with Mario Louka, (Candidate Number 9099) and Eddie Rowe (Candidate Number 9147). To access my work, please click on the three labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

Group 2 Music Video




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Sunday, 29 March 2015

Construction 4: Reflections on Edit Week 1

We made a schedule so that we could keep track of who was editing when, we very intensively worked on editing and worked on the project whenever we could. Unfortunately, as we had to shoot on Wednesday (it was the only day available during the week), we could only start editing after we had gotten the footage, limiting the total time we had. The schedule we made is shown below, and it detailed when each person would be editing the sequence.

During the editing process, we mainly worked on replacing the shots from the test shoot's sequence with the new footage. We also worked on adding in sound and special effects. For the non-diegetic sound, Eddie had composed his own music for the first half of the opening sequence. For the second part, we kept the placeholder royalty-free music we used in the old sequence, since we thought it fit well. We also added in sound effects for the diegetic gunshots sounds, which we found on YouTube.
We also added in special effects for the guns' muzzle flares. This was done using Adobe After Effects, at first I had no idea how to use it, however with help from Eddie (who already had some experience using it) and from YouTube videos explaining how to use the software.

I think we were able to create a decent sequence using the new footage we obtained and the addition of special effects made it seem like much more like the finished product we were intending to make. However, we did realise that most of our shots would have to be reshot either dure to poor lighting or framing. We began preparing for a backup shoot, trying to learn from our mistakes from the main shoot.

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