
My name is Ignacio Flores (Candidate number: 9049) and I am working in Group 2 with Mario Louka, (Candidate Number 9099) and Eddie Rowe (Candidate Number 9147). To access my work, please click on the three labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

Group 2 Music Video




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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

R&P Post 2: Myself as a music consumer

I usually listen to music whenever I have nothing else to do, or as background noise, in this sense I use it as a distraction to help pass the time, but I also listen to it to enjoy it or relax as well.

These are three songs from throughout my life:

Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood

I remember listening to this song on TV as a child and finding it very entertaining (perhaps because of the animated music video?). I would later go on to become a fan of the band, and I remember my dad buying me some of their albums, it was pretty much the only band I followed as a kid.

Early Teens:
Nujabes - Feather

This song is important to me because it was the song that introduced me to hip hop, albeit a very chill version of it. I remember hearing it in the background of some YouTube and thinking it was very relaxing; so that prompted me to look into the artists that made it, which led to me listening to those albums and gaining an appreciation for the genre.

Jaberloop - Area51

This song is significant to me because I found it through a friend, and I listen to it every once in a while (whenever it shows up in my music playlist). I find the song very upbeat and energetic, and it is nice listening to in the background while doing something else. Although I don't talk much with the friend who shared the song with me anymore, the song reminds me of the good times we had, and how sharing music with each other was a part of the friendship we had.

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