
My name is Ignacio Flores (Candidate number: 9049) and I am working in Group 2 with Mario Louka, (Candidate Number 9099) and Eddie Rowe (Candidate Number 9147). To access my work, please click on the three labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation.

Group 2 Music Video




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Friday 26 September 2014

Accident Sequence

1) One technique we used was the establishing shot of the setting, we used this so that the audience would have a sense of where things were happening relative to each other. Another technique we used was the 30 degree rule, in which we made the shots varied, so that the audience would not be confused. We tried to make it so that the shots linked into one another, using match on action, for example in between the third and fourth shots (0:25), however we found this hard to do without being able to edit them.

2)  In hindsight, the establishing shot would have looked better without the pan to the left, as the next shot is to the right, this made the transition seem confusing. The transition from shot 2 to shot 3 also could have been improved with a slight pan towards the doors, so that the audience would know where the next shot would take place, improving the continuity. I also think that shot 3 lasted too long, the skipping was too long and at the end; after I waved, I put my arm down and looked at the camera and in the next the shot I'm waving again, should have been cut earlier. Another thing I would have changed was the end of the fourth shot, as the end of the shot makes it look like I fall twice, where I should have only fallen once. In conclusion, most of the errors could have been amended by the use of editing, which we could not use.

1 comment:

  1. Sound understanding of continuity techniques demonstrated - well done Iggy!
